My friend Brendan is in The Gambia river valley in The Congo in West Africa. He is there with the Peace Corps for the next couple of years. It's great reading his blog. http://www.alittlehungry.blogspot.com/
He's on the move with a couple of friends to a city in Mali that has a very happening music scene. Take a moment and read what it's like to go into service for peace.
We hear so much, some would argue not enough, about war and violence that we can forget that most people are just living their lives the way it is right now. The past is so long for indigenous people that it has a whole different meaning to contemporaries who identify themselves by their grandparents from the "old country".
War has been such a present danger to Africa and for so long. War has been everywhere for eons, it seems. So when do we consider peace? Peacefulness, peace of mind, peace of heart. Even saying the word is like a whispered prayer of relief.
In Esther and Jerry Hicks book "Ask and It Is Given" the concept of relief is highlighted over and over again. When I hear myself grinding something over and over in my mind I can bring myself out of it by taking an action step as I affirm "The Universe loves and approves of me. It is safe to know and grow." I can move myself into relief from fear. It may be take a little more time and thought until I don't feel a charge of anger, fear, upset and can address the thing that is, in fact, instructing me to turn to the Light.
This is the most healing remedy to the weariness of war. If there is to be peace, let it begin with me. Let it begin from within. And let it be a noble thing to travel to far away places and wage peace.
We hear so much, some would argue not enough, about war and violence that we can forget that most people are just living their lives the way it is right now. The past is so long for indigenous people that it has a whole different meaning to contemporaries who identify themselves by their grandparents from the "old country".
War has been such a present danger to Africa and for so long. War has been everywhere for eons, it seems. So when do we consider peace? Peacefulness, peace of mind, peace of heart. Even saying the word is like a whispered prayer of relief.
In Esther and Jerry Hicks book "Ask and It Is Given" the concept of relief is highlighted over and over again. When I hear myself grinding something over and over in my mind I can bring myself out of it by taking an action step as I affirm "The Universe loves and approves of me. It is safe to know and grow." I can move myself into relief from fear. It may be take a little more time and thought until I don't feel a charge of anger, fear, upset and can address the thing that is, in fact, instructing me to turn to the Light.
This is the most healing remedy to the weariness of war. If there is to be peace, let it begin with me. Let it begin from within. And let it be a noble thing to travel to far away places and wage peace.