I'm BACK! And it was an amazing trip. I want to thank all of you who supported this mission with money, prayer and support of all kinds. The Belize Friends School, run by Sam & Becky Barber and Candi Young, received a check for over $600 US!
The kids at the school were so much fun to meet and to work with. You'll see them in the videos that are posted on Quantum Healing Chiropractic's
The damage from the hurricane was mostly water and mud on the school's ground floor. Many posters and text books were lost and some were drying out upstairs. You will be amazed at how the school works with 25 children, some illiterate, to get them ready to go into "college". This is the British system so the children test in 8th grade in order to be accepted into high schools called colleges, around the city.
Belize City is pretty depressed on the south side. There are gangs and violent crime. And as my seatmate on the plane to Miami told me "If someone owed me money down there, I'd let them keep it!" Meaning he wouldn't venture to the area where the school is. But this is where the need is greatest so this is where the school is.
There is also an empty building just behind the school. Dale Graves, also visiting, from Indiana, was able to meet with the owner and find out if he was willing to sell and for what price. The next step is an appraisal of the building. With it renovated it would be perfect for the school! And as I looked at this shell of a building I imagine it with classrooms and guest teachers that I had recruited, the yard filled with smiling faces on morning break and lots of laughing.
With God all things are possible, even a great Friends School in the heart of Belize City!